Nourishing our West Oakland neighborhood with healthy food, wellness resources, and collective ownership.
Click the image to watch the video! Mandela Grocery Co-op offers 50% off CA grown fruits & vegetables for customers with EBT. #MarketMatch
Shop the Co-op
We intend to strengthen and diversify our local economy. Our worker-owned grocery store sources from local entrepreneurs and farmers in California with a focus on black and brown farmers and food makers. In the store, you’ll find fresh, pesticide-free produce, high-quality meats, hormone-free eggs and dairy, local bread and a growing sundries department with natural and high-quality locally-made beauty and wellness products. Shop the Coop!
What is a worker-owned cooperative?
Worker Cooperatives (Co-ops) are principled, values-driven businesses with workers’ lives and community benefits at the core of our existence.
About Worker Co-ops Start a Co-op
The Worker Co-op model is an effective tool for creating long-term, dignified jobs, particularly in urban low-income communities. The workers are the owners. Worker-owners invest time, energy and dollars into our neighborhood businesses and build up blighted areas. While working collaboratively to achieve our business goals, we build our skills, community assets and wealth. Our business model empowers us to build up our own communities. We come together. We learn. We build. And over time we change ourselves and our environments.